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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New to the country! Help!

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Hey all,

So i'm moving to the USA next week and i'm going to be spending a few weeks in Boston staying with family until my junior try outs.

So I was wondering if anyone could tell me if there is any open stick practice or open hockey in Boston from the 17th of july until the 2nd of august?

I want to get on the ice as much as possible before my try outs even if it means catching the train to different rinks daily.

Please help out if you know of anything or any websites that will help me!

(p.s, I tried doing a google search but the Boston rink sites have no information at all!)

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where exactly are you staying and is public transportation your only means of getting around?

I'm staying in Nahant mass, which is around Lynn. Public transport will be the way I will get around if my relatives can't take me.

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If you're in the Nahant/Lynn area HockeyTown in Saugus might be your best bet. Especially if you may be relying on public transportation as the rink is just up the street from the Square One Mall.

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