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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate stretching , punching questions...

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Ok so i got my first pair of Grafs in the mail today. It was a impulse buy and the price was too good to pass up . My questions is this... I sized down half a size and they feel pretty good. The only problem is they might be a smidge small in the toe cap. Is there a way to stretching out and make it wider? How would I do it ? Will it mess with the integrity of the boot? LMK ... Thanks

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From what I was told, you can't do anything to the toe cap itself, but you can stretch and punch the boot just behind the toe cap. I also have G35's that were too narrow up front and stretching the boot on both sides just behind the cap made them fit PERFECTLY. Just my two cents though, I don't work at a hockey shop, just bought a pair and had them tweaked a lot.

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My 703 toe caps have been heated w/ a gun and stretched a few times at the shop.

I personally haven't needed to get my Grafs stretched, but I have heard others have done just like you have done.

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I personally haven't needed to get my Grafs stretched, but I have heard others have done just like you have done.

i am breaking in some new 705's and the one spot that i have issues with is around the toe box. left foot, big toe. it rubs a little bit, not horrible pain or anything but i cant really tell if its where the side meets the box or not. how does the punch work again?

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