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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Graf Goalie Skates

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No information on these, possibly a GoalieMonkey exclusive product or a first look at next years skates. Either way, look great! I love the green stitching.

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Definitely an SMU of the old Goaler Pro skate. There are a couple of noteworthy changes, like the even more streamlined cowling, the Airnet liner from the Ultra-G series, and the G50's synthetic material on the Achilles pad, instead of that old white foam that disintegrated in about eight weeks.

In fact, they are a Goaliemonkey 'Special Edition':


There's also an all-white 'Limited Edition.' Good stuff for guys who are hooked on the feel of the old Graf boots but want something a little less bulky.

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Too bad they have that crappy carbon blade. When is graf going to copy RBK like Bauer did and put some stainless on their skates. Also, make it replaceable. I feel so bad when someone comes in with a pair of grafs for sharpening, knowing the steel is so soft and not going to last too long.

Definitely an SMU of the old Goaler Pro skate. There are a couple of noteworthy changes, like the even more streamlined cowling, the Airnet liner from the Ultra-G series, and the G50's synthetic material on the Achilles pad, instead of that old white foam that disintegrated in about eight weeks.

In fact, they are a Goaliemonkey 'Special Edition':


There's also an all-white 'Limited Edition.' Good stuff for guys who are hooked on the feel of the old Graf boots but want something a little less bulky.

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Supposedly there will be a new Graf cowling incorporating all of that, plus a One100-style cutout and a couple other mystery features, for 2011. Supposedly...

Personally, I wouldn't touch Graf's goalie skates with a ten-foot pole, but that's because 1) they don't fit me, at all, and 2) I hate the steel, the blade-length, the way the cowling interacts with the ice -- in fact, everything about the way the skate behaves.

That said, there are a lot of guys who love the skates, and more power to them: they help keep their sharpeners in business.

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