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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate questions

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My One75's are approaching 2 years old, and I'm thinking it might be time to snag a new pair. I pronate pretty badly, and the skates have taken to that shape. I'm not entirely sold I need a new pair, but I've used them a ton. For quite a while I was skating atleast 4-6 times a week, a few hours each day. I've been eyeballing the new Reebok 7K skates. I'm a sucker for the white. I held a pair in the store the other day and for the price they felt just about as stiff as my One75's and close to the same weight. The 11K's are a bit out of my price range at this point. My problem is I'm a pretty decent skater, but the One75's were basically my first pair of skates. I don't know what I prefer as far as stiffness and all that goes. Alls I know is I skip the top eyelets in my One75's to get better forward flex. How would the new 7K's compare to my One75's? Has anyone out there used both and can compare them? I haven't tried them on yet, but I might sometime this week. I'm just looking for some advice beforehand.

Also, can a skate like the 7K's be stretched a half size or so? I've got odd-sized feet (9.5 left in Bauer, 9 right in Bauer), and it'd be nice to not have to go custom.

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What are you looking to spend? Sounds like you're pretty serious about playing since you do it so much, so custom might be the way to go to really get the best fit. I've been told to not skimp out on the skates and maybe cut costs/corners with other gear. Depending on your price range, MLX just released their new ones about 3 weeks ago and they are 15% off for the first 400 buyers. I obviously don't know how many orders they've gotten, but it seems like no one really has them yet so you might have a chance for that discount.

In terms of stretching them and making them fit right, you can bake them multiple times so you can get it just right and they have a removeable toe plug, which might solve that difference in foot size.

As far as the ones you're looking at, I haven't tried them. But, I'd imagine you can stretch the 7K's enough to fit. Most skates I've seen and heard about these days are able to be stretched and molded enough.

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