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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Got GTA: San Andreas

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Just got my pilot liscence. I can say i'm pretty proud :lol: .

At the beggining you could have parked a car at the Los Santos airport near the brick wall, hopped on the car and climbed the wall. Once you fly for 20% you automatically get your licence.

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Yeah I beat it, probally after 7 hours of trying. I just got lucky.

my fuel keeps running out and I get pissed off. lol. They say that's the hardest mission in the game. What is the mission that gets you to Vegas?

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The mission that gets you to Venturas is a garage mission where you take a car and blow up the crack lab. I haven't even started Zero's missions and I'm pretty far along in Venturas.

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I just bought the Bible sized book for the game. Even though its very long it helps a ton, gives you tips that help you get through missions on the first few tries. Because of School, Hockey, & work im not as far as you guys but I have a month off for winter break coming up to catch up;)

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The mission that gets you to Venturas is a garage mission where you take a car and blow up the crack lab. I haven't even started Zero's missions and I'm pretty far along in Venturas.

Thank you. I have been tearing up the garage missions so hopefully I will get there soon. Other than making the cops chase me there.

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