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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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When to change runner

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I've found an abundance of information on runners through the search option but there hasn't been a mention about when to replace them (as least not to my knowledge).

I took my skates into my LHS the other day to have sharpened and after getting them back, the employee said I'm running low on steel. He suggested I should have them replaced soon to maintain maximum performance. On a steel measuring device (is there a technical name?) it showed that I have 11mm of blade left. The employee later said that once the steel wears down to about 9mm, it won't be able to hold an edge effectively.

For you guru's out there, was I presented with accurate information? When is it "necessary" to replace the runners?

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When you tun and your boot touches the ice, knocking you off your edge, it's time to replace the steel.

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When you tun and your boot touches the ice, knocking you off your edge, it's time to replace the steel.

That was my thought. I haven't had that happen to me yet so I think my runners are still good. Just wanted to confirm this information. Thanks

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When you tun and your boot touches the ice, knocking you off your edge, it's time to replace the steel.

I have scalloped runners, and I think that I have to change them before my boot start to touches the ice. Am I right?

How can I determine that scalloped runners are weak?

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Your LHS was right. Technically you can still skate on low runners, but you can lose some performance. Jow are the toes/heel heights, same as the middle?

Also as the blade gets low, it becomes more susceptible to breakage. Since you are getting close, why not get a replacement set and have them ready to install when the day come.

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Your LHS was right. Technically you can still skate on low runners, but you can lose some performance. Jow are the toes/heel heights, same as the middle?

Also as the blade gets low, it becomes more susceptible to breakage. Since you are getting close, why not get a replacement set and have them ready to install when the day come.

My blades are pretty even through out in terms of height. It has yet to look like a banana at this point. I'm thinking of investing in a pair of step steel after reading some good reviews from this forum.

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