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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Swapping steel...

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Ok I've been searching for about an hour and a half and can't seem to find the answer I'm looking for. I'm currently wearing Vapor XXII's and it's time for new skates. I'm gonna be heading to Delaware Valley Hockey rather soon and plan on getting either One80s or X:40s.

I've tried on the Vapors and they feel good. I have also tried on the One70s at my local PIAS out of curiosity of the Supreme fit. To my surprise they almost felt better than the Vapor, but I haven't tried on One80s yet.

Anyway my concern is with the steel. I've read about people feeling like they're on their heels in the Supremes and there's no way for me to tell that standing in the shop. Would a simple change in steel (11' on the 2.1 vs. 9' on the LS2) have an effect on this?

I just want to get the skate that feels better on my foot, not based on the pitch if it's something that can be easily fixed.

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it can be easily fixed either way, so buy the boot that fits the best and tinker with the profile and radius etc later after you've got a feel for the skates on ice.

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The reason why first time supreme users feel like they're on their heels is because the supreme fit really locks your heel in place. That was the case from me back in the day when I switched from Vapor XXs to One90's.

If you feel like you're on your heels you can always have your skates profiled or have shims installed. As previously mentioned both are simple solutions. Concentrate more on the fit of the skates. I'm not familiar with the 2.1 holders but I think you can put lightspeed 2 steel on them.

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The reason why first time supreme users feel like they're on their heels is because the supreme fit really locks your heel in place.

This is good news because currently my Vapors aren't doing that anymore. Granted I'm pretty sure they are too big because I can fit a full size down in the shop.

If you feel like you're on your heels you can always have your skates profiled or have shims installed. As previously mentioned both are simple solutions. Concentrate more on the fit of the skates. I'm not familiar with the 2.1 holders but I think you can put lightspeed 2 steel on them.

I know you can fit LS2 steel into the holder on the Supremes no problem. I guess my main question would be if the 2' difference in radius or longer blade makes them feel that way or if it's a combination of both. Either way I'm going to have them profiled to a 9' radius when they are sharpened for the first time since that;s what I'm used to anyway.

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the longer radius isn't why they feel better... its b/c they're a better fit on your feet, and ridiculously comfortable.

go with the 80s.

Haha thanks ragan. I'm not sure if it's a better fit or if I was just suprised that there wasn't a huge difference in the two like people say. Maybe I just have an "in between" foot. I haven't skated, or even tried on the one80s yet I was just curious if they steel and longer radius was the culprit for many people feeling like they're back on their heels.

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Haha thanks ragan. I'm not sure if it's a better fit or if I was just suprised that there wasn't a huge difference in the two like people say. Maybe I just have an "in between" foot. I haven't skated, or even tried on the one80s yet I was just curious if they steel and longer radius was the culprit for many people feeling like they're back on their heels.

i think the difference between fits of the two skates on this board has been blown up to mythical proportions. i know a guy that switched from one95s to x60s and didnt notice a difference at all.

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i think the difference between fits of the two skates on this board has been blown up to mythical proportions. i know a guy that switched from one95s to x60s and didnt notice a difference at all.

Exactly. I expected them to feel really sloppy based on what I've read but that wasn't the case. At least not with my foot...

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