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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Remolding Sidas Custom Footbeds

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I have a set of 6 month old Sidas Custom (Grey) molded footbeds in custom Graf G35's. The original Sidas fitting was perfect. Unfortunatly, the footbeds were accidently left in a car, exposed to very hot direct sunlight. They must have gotten really hot, because they actually folded slightly after they cooled. When inserted into the boots, they flatten from foot pressure to their original shape, however, they definately do not feel as well as they did when originally fitted.

Does anyone know whether the Sidas insoles may be reformed in a Sidas machine, without permanently damaging the construction? Other suggestions are welcome.

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I had some Sidas insoles that needed a remolding for other reasons, my LHS said it wasn't possible.

Did the LHS have a Sidas machine, or was this just their general opinion?

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For what it's worth, when I got mine done, they messed something up and had to toss them and get a new pair.

Thanks to everyone who replied. Here's the latest and greatest update:

I contacted Graf Customer Service and left a detailed VM outlining the situation. Unfortunately, Graf will not reply directly to a consumer, so they promptly refered their response through my local Graf dealer, who incidently, had fitted the original footbeds.

The answer is mixed, in that, the shop will attempt to remold the original footbeds, by reheating and resetting the mold. However, the success of the process, will epend upon the degree of distortion which has occured. If not, a complete replacement will be required. Apparently, the melting point for the footpad meterial is about 110-115 deg F. Therefore, the life lesson for all Sidas owners is...do not leave the footpads in your car during the summer, exposed to direct sunlight. A costly and agravating oversight.

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