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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer LS3 vs Step steel

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Any reviews comparing them?

From what I've seen the LS3 still has a dip in the middle of the blade where the stepsteel it just has a higher heel but there is no dip. Sharpening wise the step steel is easier to sharpen compared to the LS3

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From what I've seen the LS3 still has a dip in the middle of the blade where the stepsteel it just has a higher heel but there is no dip. Sharpening wise the step steel is easier to sharpen compared to the LS3

I did a fair amount of them this summer with Pro Guys and I would say the sharpening is the difference...the edge goes to Step as Soggy says. Just nicer to sharpen and easier to get a great finish!

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