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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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vapor xxxx skate users help

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hey everyone, i used vapor xxxx skates for over a year and half now and as of a month ago i started getting this awful pain by the tongue on my right skate. aroudn the last 3 eyelets. i never had lace bite before with these skates so this is pretty strange to me. is it possible to have wore out the tongue this bad? has this happened to anyone or does anyone have any suggestions on how to fix this or anything. really sucks. dont wanna have to buy new skates. i dont think my foot is broken cause it only hurts when i put my skates on and i cant remember taking a puck off the front of my skate or anything. thanks

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It's definitely possible. I had a similar problem. A temporary solution I had was to cut some old socks in half, then use the part that'd go around your lower calf only for extra padding.

The biggest problem I have with the Vapor line is durability. My X60s are starting to fall to pieces as well after about 8 months of use.

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I think the tongue of XXXX if very similar if not the same to One95?

if so then it's definitely possible to crease it in such a way that it starts hurting since it happened to me about 1.5 years in using the skates.

I concluded that the cause in my case was not paying attention to laces & allowing them to twist into tight & fairly thin ropes sort of speak.

when I replaced them with new wider waxed laces the pain went away.

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Thanks a bunch. I changed my laces and it helped a little. definitely wasn't as bad this morning. I'll definitely try the felt thing. I was debating on taking a piece of plastic and wrapping it with a pad and sticking it behind the tongue.

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Thanks a bunch. I changed my laces and it helped a little. definitely wasn't as bad this morning. I'll definitely try the felt thing. I was debating on taking a piece of plastic and wrapping it with a pad and sticking it behind the tongue.

Incremental changes are best - if you change everything at once how would you know what actually worked?

Plus with lace bite once the damage is done it take a bit of time to heal, so if you feel the pain is going away I'd simply wait & give it time

re plastic - just thinking outloud it might not work that well since your forward flex would be affected plus it'd decrease the volume in the skat & might actually make the matter worse?

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