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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Synergy EQ 4/5 fit

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I'm ordering EQ4 skates online, and i would like to know something about the fit of the skates.

What would be the correct size for me, shoe is 10-10,5 and i'm currently wearing Bauer Flexlite 8,5.

And what is the biggest difference between EQ4 and EQ5?

Thanks for your answers.

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Yea, because you should go down to your LHS and try them before, that what everybody does. Well, just the scumbags, that is.

Anyway to OP, the EQ4 and EQ5's never made it to market so you wont find many who can help you with fit. I have some pairs of each (both 4's and 5's) and can say you prob want to go 1 size down from shoe size.

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