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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Action Jackson

Synergy Elites

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In case anyone is wondering, I ordered some 75 flex RH Drury Synergy Elites and was sent SE16's.

Same thing happened to a friend of mine, kinda thinking its just a sneaky way to off load some SE 16's maybe ? Who knows eh ?

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In case anyone is wondering, I ordered some 75 flex RH Drury Synergy Elites and was sent SE16's.

Thanks for clearing things out. I was about to order some myself. Those old elites were my favourite sticks thus far.

On a side note, I wonder..Does it mean that if I order S17s I'll get S19s? :unsure:

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Ordered nine Elites, was told they only had six. They sent me six SE16s with a preprinted message saying they hoped I'd like the upgrade.

That's pure BS. Someone picked up on the fact that everyone liked the Elites and then simply used that fact to sell leftover SE16s as a "complimentary upgrade" due only to its status in the linear timeline of the Easton Synergy lineup.

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