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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Rink Rats Sold In Stores?

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so far these new 2011 hornet splits are holding up very well. no signs of cracking,7 games and hours of open hockey. Still holding great grip.


these new 2011 hornet splits have got to be one of the best wheels to date( for me). I see no small cracks,the wear is very even and still holding grip. I havent tried the hotshots but if they hold up like the hornets, I'd have to say Rink Rat has improved these wheels.

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for comparison, i just put new addiction's on, and got some splits black and whites to try out. out of curiousity, since i've never compared wheels side by side at the same time, i decided to go with one skate with the addictions, and the other skate with the splits.

to be honest, i couldn't tell the difference, each stride felt the same, and grip didn't feel different from the other. i switched the wheels from foot to foot every other day or so, just to make sure i wasn't favoring one or the other.

after 2 weeks of solid skating everyday, the addictions didn't look like they were "erasing" (that's the easiest word to describe it, you know, that look of an eraser after it's been used and slowly goes away), but they did start breaking down (getting tears and such). the splits looked like they were erasing, but not too much like soft wheels, they still had that center line bump fully intact and visible.

after 3 weeks, i chunked out one of the addictions, and the splits still looked the same, with the center line still visible, yet erasing away ever so slowly, even the logo's and such were still visible.

keep in mind, i've been using labeda wheels forever, and nothing has been able to take me away from them (aside from eschelon apocolypse's, but that's a different story). the only real gripe i have with them is that they chunk out pretty quickly compared to other companies.

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I was kind of doing the same comparison, not as in depth, but did get the same result.in my opinion I thought the new Rink Rats have that grip and so far that durabilibty I have been looking for.I really liked the way the Addictions felt but after some cracking and chunking I just felt they were just like any other top of the line wheel just over priced.Differant strokes for differant folks. I think Im going to stay with the new Rats for awhile.

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