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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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ShockDoctor BioFlex XL users...

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I am very particular about the jock/cup I use... I use the ShockDoctor BioFlex Adult XL cup. The regular size does not give me enough "coverage". The problem is that the jock I prefer is a 2-year old RBK jock. I have tried to use the ShockDoctor jocks, but the waistband binds and they fall apart rather quick. My old RBK jock has seen better days and also does not have a cup pocket big enough to hold the BioFlex XL cup.

Does anyone else use this size cup and if so, what jock do you use??? The new Bauer jocks look like they have a massive cup pocket and a wide wasteband as well.

I don't prefer the jock shorts/pants.

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I prefer WSI stuff. I have three jocks that are all at least 5-6 years old and they are holding up pretty well, if a bit stretched out at this point.

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Cant's say anything about durability yet, but the new warrior one I bought fits like the old Shock Doctors- everything stays in place. I'm not reaching down after every few shift to put my junk back in the cup.

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Just to make sure you guys are using the WSI jock and not the shorts/pants right???

I use the shorts, one less piece to forget at home. That said, I managed to still forget that one piece the other night.

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Haha, going "commando" huh Chadd???

I have not used shorts in a while. I had some UA ones but found the cup pocket did not go back enough. Can't explain it more staying PG 13!

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Haha, going "commando" huh Chadd???

The key is to not tell anyone until the game is over. You make a big deal out of it and you will get hit.

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