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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mounting Pitch 3's

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So after a few years of experimenting with t-blades, i figured its time to try and go back to a conventional holder. Picked up some pitch3's on a good deal and am going to take them to my LHS tomorrow to get them mounted. Problem is, my graf 735's already have holes from both the cobra's & tblades. I'm wondering if the shop is going to have a tough time with mounting the pitches on there? Will drilling new holes create too much a problem in the boot?

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There is a very distinct possibility of that, though to be honest I don't know how closely a Graf holder and pitch holder aligned. I assume few if any t'blade holes will be compatible. Food for thought before you install: might you have gotten such a good deal on pitches because replacement steel and parts are near impossible to track down?

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