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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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S17 skates + tuuk lightspeed

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I got a pair of S17 skates today and love the boot. I;m really used to lightspeeds and plan on getting them put on. I know the holes in the heel dont match up so what are the disadvantages of drilling holes? if any?

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I got a pair of S17 skates today and love the boot. I;m really used to lightspeeds and plan on getting them put on. I know the holes in the heel dont match up so what are the disadvantages of drilling holes? if any?

Some of the holes will match up. Most likely the ones in the heel. No real disadvantages, other than extra ventilation. If you're drilling too many holes though, the structural integrity could be weakened a bit, but with the swap I did on mine (exact same as yours), I only had to drill 3 or 4 new holes, widen a few others, and the rest matched up fine.

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Especially on a carbon based boot such as the Easton Stealth series'.

Yup, but that's only if you're drilling in excess.

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Alright seems like everything will be fine from what you guys said. When we did the measurements the heel on the lightspeeds are about a quarter inch narrower.

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