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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Reebok 10k pump

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I'm thinking of picking up a pair of reebok 10k skates, they seem to fit ok and seem like a decent skate. I can;t really find any reviews on here though...I was wondering about their durability?

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Well, I dunno what to say about comparing too 11k's, but I love mine. I'd say the biggest diffs are a bit of stiffness(but not much), length of tongue and the materials that make up the quarter panel. But they really are great skates, only downside is that I wasn't really a fan of the perforated steel, but they've grown on me.

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I'm kinda hoping my 9K's fall apart so I can have a good excuse to buy a pair of 10K's...I love the tongue.

I switched out my perforated steel for standard. The weight difference is not noticeable.

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Well, I dunno what to say about comparing too 11k's, but I love mine. I'd say the biggest diffs are a bit of stiffness(but not much), length of tongue and the materials that make up the quarter panel. But they really are great skates, only downside is that I wasn't really a fan of the perforated steel, but they've grown on me.

You have the 10k's?

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