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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Best wheels on a budget?

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With x-mas right around the corner I'm not looking to break the bank.. looking for some decent wheels.. I play 3-4 times a week... Not lookin to spend over $40 for a set of wheels, I know that will be hard to come by but does anyone have suggestions?

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Labeda grippers, they're cheap and really durable. I think you can get them around $30 for 8.

They work great on wood/polished concrete/sportcourt and doesn't chunk as easily as most indoor wheels.

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What kind of surface?

Sport court...

Labeda grippers, they're cheap and really durable. I think you can get them around $30 for 8.

They work great on wood/polished concrete/sportcourt and doesn't chunk as easily as most indoor wheels.

I've got some grippers now, have had them for a few months, I like them but was wondering if there's anything better out there for around the same price. Their the 78A's..

I'm a bigger guy, 6'1 245ish... What's the thoughts on going with 4-78A's and 4 83-A's?

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I was going to suggest the eschelon prophecy but they might be on the soft side for you.

Are you using the white or yellow grippers? According the IW the whites are 76A and the yellows are 80A.

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I was going to suggest the eschelon prophecy but they might be on the soft side for you.

Are you using the white or yellow grippers? According the IW the whites are 76A and the yellows are 80A.

I am using the white's .. I thought they were 78A but I might be wrong.. I picked up a set of them from Play It Again sports here in Stl brand new for $35

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I am your size (in fact 15lbs heavier...)

The only wheels that I have personal experience AND fit your budget are the Kryptoncs Mister Sticky wheels. They are going on IW for $4.95/wheel right now... http://www.inlinewarehouse.com/Kryptonics_Mister_Sticky_Hockey_Wheels_10/descpage-KMSW.html .

I used all reds, which are the 76A version. They did a fairly decent job for me the short time I used them (got Addictions with my new Tour skates).

PS - Labeda's Gripper whites are indeed 76A... Labeda does not mark a hardness on the wheel so people come to their own conclusions I think. X-Soft (red) has proven to equal a 74A, Soft (white) to a 76A, Medium (Yellow) to a 80A and Hard (Orange, also known as the Asphalt) as 84A.... Some non-educated places mark the wheels anywhere between 2-5 harder than they actually are... I have seen some people marking Asphalts as 88A or harder...

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Sport court...

I've got some grippers now, have had them for a few months, I like them but was wondering if there's anything better out there for around the same price. Their the 78A's..

I'm a bigger guy, 6'1 245ish... What's the thoughts on going with 4-78A's and 4 83-A's?

At your weight, I'd go with the yellow grippers, or Rinkrat world cups, which are actually outside wheels, but perform pretty good indoors. I'm about 260 lbs & got almost 6 months out of my grippers playing between 3 & 7 hours a week at Skatium & All-American. I've been running the world cups for almost a year now, but have been skating less 2 - 5 hours a week for about the last 6 months.

My only gripe about the world cups is that they do slide on dirty floors as all wheels will (seems like every time I ever played at all-american the floor was filthy), though it's fairly controlled & easy to get used to.

The Grippers are definitely the cheaper "up-front" option, but if you consider how long my world cups have lasted, they actually come out even or cheaper in the long run.

Your mileage may vary, of course.

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