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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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X:60 Shaft w/ SE16 Blade

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Hey guys

I was thinking of getting an x60 shaft and pairing it with a easton SE16 blade I have, but I have heard of people having trouble when mixing and matching with bauer sticks/shafts. Has anyone tried this combo and have any feedback? I really like the shaft shape of the x60 so I've been curious.


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I did it with the SE16 wood blade and loved it. The only problem I had with it was that the blade fit a little loose, nothing extra glue didn't fix.

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Yep, tried it with my X60 shaft right before I sold it. With the X60 blade, I'd hated the shaft. With the SE16 blade, I LOVED it. Fit wonderfully for me and really made the shaft feel more complete. Plus it launched absolute rocket wristers.

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Thanks for the feedback guys, I was hoping they worked well together. I currently use a 100 flex SE16 ops and the flex is perfect for me (I cut it down to 58" where it actually is 100). I have heard that the x60 shaft plays stiffer than advertised, would you guys recommend an 87 flex shaft since I'd be cutting off roughly 3 inches?


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Thanks for the feedback guys, I was hoping they worked well together. I currently use a 100 flex SE16 ops and the flex is perfect for me (I cut it down to 58" where it actually is 100). I have heard that the x60 shaft plays stiffer than advertised, would you guys recommend an 87 flex shaft since I'd be cutting off roughly 3 inches?


That might be tough. I bought the 87 and cut off exactly 2", making it a supposed 96 flex. They do indeed feel stiffer than rated and my stick was no exception. It definitely felt stiffer than a 100 flex, more like a 105.

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