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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Lightspeed pitch help

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Hi guys,

I recently bought a pair of Bauer One100 skates. I skated for the first time on them tonight, and the transition to the Lightspeed holders (I previously had Mission Pitch3's on Bauer 8000's) was uncomfortable, my stride was noticeably shorter, and my legs were fatigued easier from the position the holders put me in.

I liked that the Lightspeed holders seemed stiff and responsive, but I hated the position they put me in. How could I try and alter the holders to mimic the position that I was previously in on my Pitch3 holders (neutral setting) ??

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Hi guys,

I recently bought a pair of Bauer One100 skates. I skated for the first time on them tonight, and the transition to the Lightspeed holders (I previously had Mission Pitch3's on Bauer 8000's) was uncomfortable, my stride was noticeably shorter, and my legs were fatigued easier from the position the holders put me in.

I liked that the Lightspeed holders seemed stiff and responsive, but I hated the position they put me in. How could I try and alter the holders to mimic the position that I was previously in on my Pitch3 holders (neutral setting) ??

this was discussed numerous times here, so search would provide more details, but in short the answer is yes, of course! simply profile the steel to the pitch you desire, or all 1/16 heel lifts.

as a side note this is something that just bugs me: it's fairly common knowledge that negative pitch is counterproductive, so why wouldn't bauer simply adjust the profile (without even changing the holder simply re-shape the runners) to account for it and start at the safe place - neutral pitch?

or it's because the steel quite often comes out with very weird profiles (on my custom T1s for instance the runner caved in right in the middle of the blade) so profiling is almost mandatory anyways due to poor quality control?

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