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Stockpiling a helmet - EPP longevity

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Has anyone ever successfully stockpiled a helmet for future use, and not had the protective padding inside degrade over time before it was used? I currently have a Nike Bauer 8500, which fits me perfectly. The three adjustment points allow me to dial it in to feel like it was a custom fit.

I originally bought the helmet without a cage, and since the 9900 had come out I thought about upgrading, thinking the fit would be the same. For some reason it wasnt, even when I tried one without a cage. Ive also tried the Easton S-19, Rbk 8K, Cascade M-11, and CCM Vector V10. The smallest sizes in all seemed too loose, and just didnt feel right. Maybe Im spoiled by the fit of the 8500.

The 8500s in small/black seem to be hard to find now, so when I saw them listed on HockeyGiant the other day, I though about getting one to squirrel away. Im pretty anal about my gear, so I take very good care of everything, and always store personal property indoors. I wont be doing any air travel with it either.

Would it be a waste of money and/or unsafe to pick up an 8500 for future use? The best info I saw here was in the helmet shelf life thread. Yes, the certification will expire, but I wonder how long the EPP can reasonably be expected to last with careful storage. Im also not certain how long I can reasonably expect my current helmet to last at my level of play, with proper care. Im still a beginner now, and the highest levels I will ever play at would be some low-speed beer league and pick-up type games.

Or should I just hope that I will find something with an excellent fit when the time comes, or resign myself with having to settle for a different fit down the road. Any input from personal experience would be appreciated, before I dump $70 on getting the extra.

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My LHS was dumping their 8500's last weekend. They had a ton and they were only $25. I could go pick it up for you if you want?

My LHS was dumping their 8500's last weekend. They had a ton and they were only $25. I could go pick it up for you if you want?

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They are still makeing them, just not for sale in the US, you can still get them out of Canada, but why not grab a couple if you can pick them up for $25

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Longditutal study of ice hockey helmet shelf life]contemporary ice hockey helmets retain their robust impact attenuation characteristics even after several years of storage -Londititual study of ice hockey helmet shelf life

Its going to cost $25 to read the whole article, why not buy another 8500? I don't think VN degrades overtime if kept in storage, Modano still wearing decade old vn helmets!

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In proper storage they won't degrade anytime soon. Just don't wear it to get it sweaty/expose it to anything. When the bauer 5000s came out we had a warranty issue, and never gotten around to send it in. Kept it in a corner with random stuff stacked on it, epp is fine. Getting a little mouldy but it was used for a couple weeks before put back there. I'd say up to 20 years if you kept it in climate controlled area

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Dusty is one thing but I'm not sure its really safe to use if its mouldy. I had some mould on the bottom a rubber brush. The brush used to be transparent pink but the mold turned it to a hardened toothpaste like substance thats opaque and white.

Almost certain it wouldn't do your health any good.

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Thanks for the input. Sounds like it would be worth trying out, especially if its a killer deal like CheesePlz mentioned. My LHS out here found one for me in the back of their shop few weeks ago. Paid $119 for it. I'm definitely interested in picking up one or two at $25 each if any are still available (will PM on that).

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Seal them in some kind of giant ziplock bag?

Long term, trapping in moisture and whatever else is a bad idea. Airflow is a good thing. The 'store in a cool, dry, place' bit is probably your best advice. Put it on a shelf somewhere.

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