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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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University Help

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Hey all, recently I've been tossing around the idea of maybe trying to go to university for Nuclear Engineering. But I'm a total noob when it comes to this stuff and was wondering if I could get your help, to determine if i can realistically do this. So the closest university to me that offers such a program is called UOIT (in Oshawa, Ontario, this school offers 3 different nuclear courses. Nuclear Engineering (Master's degree, Doctoral degree) and Nuclear Technology graduate dipolma. What I'm looking at is the graduate dipolma. But my two questions are firstly whats the difference between a graduate dipolma and a masters or doctoral degree? second in the admission requirements for the graduate dipolma it says you need 4 years honours undergraduate degree in engineering, science or mathematics. So if I understand this correctly you need to do 4 years of university (with honours) before you can even be accepted for this course? Link to the admissions page (http://gradstudies.uoit.ca/EN/main/future_students/graduate_diploma_programs/332259/program_requirements.html)

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I live close to Oshawa, so hopefully I can help.

The Masters(5+ years) is going to be your basic (haha) nuclear engineering program, you can then choose to extend to the Doctoral which is 6+ years. The Graduate Diploma is most likely a 1-2 year program in which you would feed into after your graduate studies (hence the requirement), given that they are in the appropriate area of study.

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Great thanks for your help! So the masters program would be where I would want to start? That still a bit of a shame cause that still requires 4 years honours undergraduate degree in science or engineering. That would unfortunately be way too much money for me, and a lot of time.

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  On 12/9/2010 at 6:25 AM, Sidorov96 said:

Great thanks for your help! So the masters program would be where I would want to start? That still a bit of a shame cause that still requires 4 years honours undergraduate degree in science or engineering. That would unfortunately be way too much money for me, and a lot of time.

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You'll still be 5 years regardless. You should see for the Diploma if you can use a more general program (such as a science or engineering) and then do the 1 or 2 or whatever the Diploma is.

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Way back when I did my engineering undergrad, after the first semester you could do a regular program vs an honours program. Regular was more practical, honours was more theoretical to prepare for post-grad engineering.

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