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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Balance problems with wood blade and some composite blades

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Shafts have gotten too light for wood blades and heavier composite blades. I tried a bunch of blades with my TotalOne shaft and everything feels blade heavy except for the one95 wood blade (and I don't like any of the Bauer curves). I paired the shaft with an ST composite blade and the balance doesn't feel natural.

I added a wood end-plug to try to balance the ST composite blade better and it has eliminated some of the blade heaviness, but now the stick has an awkward balance.

When will Easton make a 75 flex ST shaft? That would solve everything. The ST shaft is the only shaft I have found that balances wood blades and heavier composite blades perfectly. My ST shaft with a heavy wood blade feels much lighter than my TotalOne shaft with the same blade. But the ST shaft is too stiff, even at 85 flex. Before someone suggests the Harrow 75 flex shaft, I have tried that as well and it is very stiff for the flex rating.

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I don't think so, what Easton curve do you use? Bauer's should be very similar blade patterns...

Bauer's wooden blades are so inconsistent, that they all seem the same.

To the OP, if it's really bothering you, I think someone mentioned tinkering around with attaching weights inside the stick or maybe drilling out part of a wooden end plug. I can't remember or find the thread.

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