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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ovechkin's stick question

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Yeah maybe a real recent change, but the Ovi One95s and the few CCM sticks I've had have all been really thin.

I also disagree on the feel, but that is more personal preference. I'm convinced torque in the blade isn't always a bad thing for someone who is taking a majority snap/wrist shots.

Well I suppose you are right that it is personal preference, but the blade I have really isn't even a composite blade. I just assumed your Ovi stick had the same blade. I actually don't mind thin composite blades, but not the thing thqt is on my stick as it is some sort of laminate/fibreglass crap. The Brashear Pro stock CCM U+ CL I have is more Of the traditional style of composite weave and is way better performance wise and looks identical to the bldes Ovi uses on his sticks (no clear finish/sanded or matt finish) that I have seen on ebay with Certificates of Authenticity. The Laminate/fibreglass blade on my Ovi-8 clone torques back to easy and like I said earlier is no where near Pro Stock quality even though it has the Pro Stock No Warranty stamp on the shaft. The shaft on my Ovi-8 clone has zero performance as well, just totally dead. So don't order 12 Ovi-8 clones from CCM if you want value for your money like my friend did.

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