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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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zamboni tyres

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hi , didn't know where to put this topic ...but we are looking to buy some zamboni tyres where the spikes can be drilled in ....does anybody have a recommendation ?? thx

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thank you ....the tire my friend is looking for is a Mc Creary Super Traxion , size L78-15LT

..any ideas ?? thx

Here is the website for the company that manufactures that tire.

You could very likely use a 235 75R15 tire though as that is very similar in size in all dimensions. this is a very common size in North America. Tire Rack will have several options in their winter section that can be studded. If studding is legal where you live, your local tire shop will be able to provide something similar.

No need to spend big dollars, that zamboni isn't going to hit highway speeds and the studs will provide sufficient traction.

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