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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Buffalo/WNY Hockey?

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Hi, just wondering if anyone knows of any place with open hockey/stick time at night in the Buffalo/WNY area; or if there are any groups that get together 1-3x per week for some pick up. A recent job change has left me without a place to play, as I used to get on the ice in the morning/early afternoon hours, and was never able to find a league to join. I'm a reasonably low level player, having only played since February 2010, other than 1 of roller and 1 of ice when I was kid. Thanks in advance.


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Your going to be hard pressed to find free ice time in the evening hours in BFLO if I am reading your original post correctly. As stated before most drop in times are morning/lunch early afternoon. Buff State(Go Bengals..wife's alma) or Northtown are your best bets. I was really stoked over Thanksgiving to hit the ice with a 30+only stick and puck, genius idea I say.

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Thanks again for the reply. I sort of assumed that would be the case, I looked quite a bit online before posting; more so hoped someone might have a pick-up group that was looking for a player or that I would get lucky and someone would know of someplace I wasn't aware of. As always suggestions are welcome, itching to get back on the ice!


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I went yesterday to Buff State for skate and shoot, and there was probably just about 50 skaters there, and 4 goalies, it was packed....college kids are off etc. But usually it is pretty good in terms of turn out and skill level. Check Holiday and Leisure's schedule

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Are you against a league? If not, a friend of mine just started playing hockey and got into a league at Holliday Twin Rinks. It's made up of guys just like yourself, and the times they play fit your schedule perfectly. PM me if you want more info, be glad to help.

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Are you against a league? If not, a friend of mine just started playing hockey and got into a league at Holliday Twin Rinks. It's made up of guys just like yourself, and the times they play fit your schedule perfectly. PM me if you want more info, be glad to help.

Definitely interested, sent you a PM.

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Still looking, have gotten to skate a bit in a backyard rink, but it only makes me want to play more. Also welcome to any information pertaining to spring/summer leagues, since it's never to early to look ahead when you aren't playing. Thanks again.


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I am pretty sure performaxhockey.com has a Free Agent thing for their teams.

I'll be doing their Instructional Program when I move back to Buffalo at the end of the summer since I have played in years.

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Yeah I believe they do. I remember filing something out there before the winter league but haven't had any luck still. I'm still looking if anyone has suggestions, or better yet an open roster spot for the summer season. Thanks

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I am new to the area, and am looking to join a team.

I have contacted performax, holiday, hockeybuff, and dwyer with no luck yet.

I haven't found any late night pick up either..

closest would be ~4pm

any ideas?

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