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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RBK shin line..

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I currently use the current ('10) RBK 6K shin's... I have found that the 14" I have are slightly too long for my personal preference. I saw that they offer a 13.0" and even a 13.5", but most websites list these as Junior sizes...

I am curious on if the straps on the junior sized pads are going to be a lot shorter than that of the senior sized... When I first got my 6K's, the straps were barely long enough to get around my calf. They have stretched out over time, but I am worried that junior straps will be waaaay too short.

I don't like to use taps or loose straps, so the shins stock straping system is fairly important to me.

My LHS is out of stock of the junior pads so I cannot make a local comparison...

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They are shorter.

I have the same shins, same size, and had the same problem, and what I found was that the only shins that "fit" with my boots on were either the 13" (which were too small but didn't interfere with the top of the boot) and the 15" (wrapped around the top of the boot nicely but were a hair big). What I ended up doing was removing the liner and moving the outer plastic piece up about half an inch. The liner is actually velcro'd to the shell, so it can move up or down slightly. Now the shell comes right down to the boot and the leg fits nicely. Try moving it up and down with your boots on, I think you can probably get it to work.

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My LHS is out of stock of the junior pads so I cannot make a local comparison...

Something I have done recently since local hockey shops don't have what I want is e-mail popular online stores and tell them my situation. One case in particular, I emailed hockeymonkey because I wanted to compare between sizes and asked for them to give me measurements for specific parts i.e. finger length on gloves.

I'm pretty sure you can do the same and ask for strap measurements, top of knee to bottom of shinguard length, shinguard width, etc.

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