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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton Z-Air Baking

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Excuse me for my lack of knowledge about inline skates.

I had a pair of old Easton Z-Airs that I threw a chassis on for the occasional time that I play roller. The skates are pretty good, heavy but fine. I've had them for a few months and I'm still having trouble breaking them in so I was wondering about any info on baking old skates like that. The skates are probably from 2002. They are the right size and everything, just won't really break in so are these skates able to be baked? And I'm not considering doing this at home, going to get them done at a shop, if its worth doing at all.


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Excuse me for my lack of knowledge about inline skates.

I had a pair of old Easton Z-Airs that I threw a chassis on for the occasional time that I play roller. The skates are pretty good, heavy but fine. I've had them for a few months and I'm still having trouble breaking them in so I was wondering about any info on baking old skates like that. The skates are probably from 2002. They are the right size and everything, just won't really break in so are these skates able to be baked? And I'm not considering doing this at home, going to get them done at a shop, if its worth doing at all.


yes , those are thermomoldable ...and if you are not talking about the Z-air comp ,which is extremely stiff ...... you should be fine doin it at home in ur oven , did that and they were comfortable in no time and lasted 4 years !!

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