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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Southern New Hampshire/Maine Beer League

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Hey guys been living and playing hockey up in canada for the past couple of months but will be moving back to Portsmouth for work around mid feb, looking for a roster slot on a "B" or "C" level team. Played forward in high school but now that i am in my mid 20's my strength is defense

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Hey guys been living and playing hockey up in canada for the past couple of months but will be moving back to Portsmouth for work around mid feb, looking for a roster slot on a "B" or "C" level team. Played forward in high school but now that i am in my mid 20's my strength is defense

Try the Dover Arena or the Rinks at Exter. They may have some summer spots open.

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Skated with a bunch of guys in a skate organized at the West Side Arena in Manchester. good turnout (5v5 with 4 subs each) mix of skill, but good guys.

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I just want to suggest my favorite pick up in the area: Monday and Friday mornings from 10:50-12:50 at Tri-Town. It is a group that has been skating together since they opened Tri-Town, so there is a little bit of a clique there. I joined the group while playing juniors there, and they warmed up to me pretty quick. Not a bad pace, and if you go with a smile and just look to get along with the guys it's usually a blast.

Because of the long time membership of most of the guys in the skate though there is a call in period at 9 or 9:30 in order to get on the list, this way they prevent over crowding at the skate. There are two goalies every week as well, and there are often pretty decent younger skaters mixed in. Tell them you heard it was a good skate from Terry.

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