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Tips for care for digital palms

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I don't know how many people are using digital palms, but I am and I like them. I have them on Warrior gloves and on a pair of Bauer X60 Pros. On the X60s though, the digital palms are now drying very hard. They do soften up as they get wet, but they dry very hard. My Warrior palms don't seem to do this.

I allow my gloves to air dry after every skate, so it isn't a factor of heating them up to dry them (and thus causing them to dry out).

Anyone have any tips on how to care for digital palms? Or is anyone finding that the Bauer digital palms dry like this?

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I use digi almost exclusively. It does seem like there are different 'grades' of digital if that makes any sense. Eagle's (pre Vaughn) digital is very durable, but tends to dry a little hard. Nothing crazy though, because it gets soft the minute you start sweating in them. But talk about durable - I'm just now getting a small hole in the left tip of the middle finger and I've been using these gloves pretty hard for 2 straight seasons. But I also take pretty good care of my stuff. On the stuff Peaches uses to repalm, it stays pretty soft always.

You're already caring for them pretty well, taking them out of your bag when you get home. That's the most critical, and most simple, step. The digital will last a long time. I think digital is such an underrated palm choice. IMO, it offers the best response and most natural feel of all choices. I know MSH2 was big here for awhile, and I might've been one of the only people who never had any luck with it. It always seemed too slippery, if that makes any sense.

All that said, your experience isn't out of the ordinary at all.

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How long have you had the X60 Pros? I haven't had any issues with mine. I've probably had mine for just under 6 months. I air dry mine like you.

Just about that long too. I picked them up last summer. No holes, no real wear. Just stiff.

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All my digital palms got like that. A little spritz with the water bottle before leaving the locker room did the trick.

This is probably one of the reasons Jussi Jokinen is such a freak about his palms.

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Differences in body chemistry account for the different experiences with the palms. I go through glove palms and guitar strings like crazy because of my sweat makeup.

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