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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate breakdown

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"Skate breakdown" is a term I hear. I thought that this is when the skate becomes too flexible at the ankle and no longer offers proper support. I have also heard that this is when the foam inside the skate begins to degrade and the foot begins to slip. Which is correct?

The other question, related to the first: if the skate is slightly too large leading to heel slip, will this cause premature breakdown? In particular flexing or buckling at the ankle?


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Skate breakdown isn't really defined as the occurrence of one particular, more when the skate begins to significantly degrade in many areas affecting its performance. Any sort of misfit will lead to premature breakdown, heel slop will most likely impact the liner first and then breakdown will appear in flexion areas.

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skating in a boot with softer ankles would be a good thing for a lot of skaters. Way too many players have very little strength there because they've always worn really stiff boots. As for slipping, that shouldn't happen if your skate is properly sized. There shouldn't be any room for your foot to move around. I consider a skate to be breaking down when the side panels start to give out when skating. Ideally, they should remain fairly stiff and not have any slop when you stop or turn.

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"Skate breakdown" is a term I hear. I thought that this is when the skate becomes too flexible at the ankle and no longer offers proper support. I have also heard that this is when the foam inside the skate begins to degrade and the foot begins to slip. Which is correct?

The other question, related to the first: if the skate is slightly too large leading to heel slip, will this cause premature breakdown? In particular flexing or buckling at the ankle?


Some guys order soft boots. Skate breakdwon is when the material starts to shed away on the inside, pieces start coming off the outside of the boot and so on.

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