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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Camera problems

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Hey guys,

Really in a hole here. I went to open ice today, I was planning on bringing my family's camera to take some videos. Did just that. Now, I'm back at home and it will not turn on at all. I'm really hoping it's not dead or I'm gonna be in some hot water. Do you guys have any ideas of what to do? I have a few guesses of what it might and might not be.

It might be: The cold temp of the rink? I was there from 9-1 and left it in my bag which was right near the benches.

It got crushed? I kinda doubt this, but I gotta be open to it. There are no actual signs of cracks or that it got smushed, but gotta be open.

Actually, that's all I have for what might've happened. I'm completely torn right now. I know that it can't be...

-The battery: Charged it fully.

-Dropping: No, it was handled really well, I was anal about it.

Please, try and help if you can. I already googled and what not, no luck. Any suggestions are really appreciated.

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Could be a condensation issue from the changes in temperature. Take the battery out and leave the camera a few hours (or overnight even). While the camera is drying/waiting, check the contacts on the battery to be sure they are free of corrosion and throw the battery on the charger, just to make sure. After a good long wait, check the contacts on the camera for corrosion, put the battery back in and give it a try. If that fails, you can try with the AC adapter instead of the battery. And failing that, buy an air conditioned bathing suit, cause you're probably screwed. Good luck!

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Rachael pretty much covered what I was going to say. I've noticed some serious condensation after having my camera in the cold and going to a concert/show, popping my lens off and everything fogs up. No damage, but just a nuisance. If you ever drop anything in water that has a battery, take the battery out immediately, that's what causes the corrosion. Let it air dry. Pray. What kind of camera?

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If you suspect moisture is the issue, put the camera in a bag of uncooked rice overnight. That will pull the moisture out of the camera.

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  On 2/2/2011 at 2:51 PM, MyBoxersSayJoe said:

Rachael pretty much covered what I was going to say. I've noticed some serious condensation after having my camera in the cold and going to a concert/show, popping my lens off and everything fogs up. No damage, but just a nuisance. If you ever drop anything in water that has a battery, take the battery out immediately, that's what causes the corrosion. Let it air dry. Pray. What kind of camera?

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Black Olympus FE-330. I'm still giving it time(honestly just praying and waiting). But if by the end of the week it's done, I figure I'll just come clean about it and replace it.

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  On 2/3/2011 at 2:24 AM, Neal said:

If you suspect moisture is the issue, put the camera in a bag of uncooked rice overnight. That will pull the moisture out of the camera.

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i have a friend who dropped his iphone in a toilet. totally submerged it. he stuck it in a bag of rice for about 24hrs and it came out working.

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