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Returning From Ruptured Appendix

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So last week I went into the hospital with an extreme amount of stomach pain and after a cat scan they found out I had a ruptured appendix. I got my surgery at the end of last week and just returned home the other day. I have a nurse who comes over every day to unpack and repack my wound and it won't be stitched up until next week. I'm not allowed to drive or lift more than 10lbs. I don't know when I'll be able to start playing hockey again and I'm not going to rush it. I was just wondering if you guys had any tips for returning after a surgery such as this. Any stretches, procedures, or what not for when I start back up?

Thanks guys!

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I had my appendix removed about 10 years ago. It didn't rupture, however my anesthesiologist friend tells me my scar is 3-4 times larger than normal. I was out about 3 weeks. I wouldn't recommend any stretching to the area until it's healed as it will probably tear the healing muscle and slow the process. Surprisingly I felt pretty good my first time back, which was about this time of year (mid season). Best of luck

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Yea i agree with nieminen. Dont push anything, and just let everything heal up naturally. As for your debut back, i would recommened trying to avoid and huge slappers, unless your feeling 110%. If you play in a contact league i would try to aviod getting hit. Saying this if your doctor gives you the nod, then you should be fine. It will just be a matter of getting your confidence back, and you might be a little scared your first couple games back but you should get over that pretty quickly. Best of luck, I hope for a speedy recovery!

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So last week I went into the hospital with an extreme amount of stomach pain and after a cat scan they found out I had a ruptured appendix. I got my surgery at the end of last week and just returned home the other day. I have a nurse who comes over every day to unpack and repack my wound and it won't be stitched up until next week. I'm not allowed to drive or lift more than 10lbs. I don't know when I'll be able to start playing hockey again and I'm not going to rush it. I was just wondering if you guys had any tips for returning after a surgery such as this. Any stretches, procedures, or what not for when I start back up?

Thanks guys!

The fact that they didn't close it up all the way indicates it was ruptured and they are worried about infection.

You better talk to your surgeon about resuming activity. He/she will have a definite answer based on what they did during the surgery.

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