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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer CSX stick

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Bauer Vapour CSX Grip Accuracy Composite Supreme

Three Griffin Hawks - Paul Firmin, Chris Goddard & Matt Brown have been selected to pilot the new Bauer stick which comes with a responsive grip.

The grip contains a sensor which sends a vibration down the shaft to the blade. The transmitted signal is then picked up by a receiver box built into the blade. This then ensures less flex and a more accurate shot. The pilot scheme has been well received in Canada and the US and the stick will be released for general sale in the Summer.

SHC Pregasona(Switzerland), Dusseldorf Rams (Ger) & Griffin Hawks (UK) have been selected to test the stick to see if there is a possible market in Europe. Bauer are looking for 3 more teams of any age group in the UK to test the stick (worth approx 85) which is approved by the majority of the governing bodies. The sticks are absolutely free and your only obligation is to provide written feedback to Bauer after 3 months. If you are interested please email the Griffin Hawks webmaster forum@griffin-hawks.co.uk who will put you in contact with the UK Bauer representative. This will be on a first come first serve basis.

sounds a bit fishy to me, found it on a UK roller hockey site.. what do you guys think?

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Indeed very fishy since no one in Canada or the US has mentioned hearing about this stick or the trial.

Also wondering if that's the only April Fool's joke being played on us today...

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c'mon steve, transmitters and receivers in a hockey stick that adapts its stiffness.

There is no such team as the Düsseldorf Rams (Düsseldorf is a 30 mins ride from my house).

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I think they stole my Idea! :o I had made a similar thing for a project in like grade 6, expect my curve changed so you could always pick the corner you want and you could talk into a microphone that would take where you want to put the puck to go. Unfortunately my pro-type didn't workout as well as I had hoped. :ph34r:

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it does sound kind of fishy but they do have microchips in skis and tennis rackets that adapt to the speed your swinging or the terrain your going over

i've always wanted to see it done in a hockey stick. mY guess though is the stick woud be heavy.

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