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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Which would be better for wide forefoot

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Hi guy's,

My first post here. I'm looking to buy a pair of hockey skates. Here's the deal. I'm a novice skater and not looking to play any hard core hockey. My 4 year old son has been playing hockey since he was 2 now. He is getting quite good and I would like to get out on the ice more with him. The problem is any rentals I have used kill my feet! I have weird feet. I guess maybe they would be classified as duck feet. I'm a 13-14 shoe normally. I have a wide forefoot. My big toe is larger then normal and sticks out further to the inside of the toe box then normal. So my big toe is crushed bad on the outside when I wear rentals. I have gone looking around to try on skates but haven't found a good selection to try on. I was looking at hockeygiant and they have a pair of Bauer Vapor X:15's in 12EE and also a pair Supreme ONE40's also 12EE. The Vapors are around 89.99 and the supreme's are about 124.00. I read that the supreme's run wider then the vapors. Now keep in mind that I want a decent pair of skates that don't kill my feet. I'm not really looking to join any hockey leagues. I want them to fit right but as long as there comfortable I don't think I can go the custom rout. I just want to be able to get out with my son's (my 2 year old is skating now) and have fun with them. Which of the two would be better for a wide foot? Would either probably do? Also can either of those be heated up?

Thanks in advance!

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In my opinion, the best thing you can do is go to your local hockey shop (lhs) and try on as many skates as you need to for the best fit, and buy them there. Buying skates online is a crapshoot for those of us with wide feet.

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The Bauer FlexLite skates are the way to go for you. Not only are they the widest, but also very comfortable on the inside. These skates are great for fitting somebody with troublesome feet like wide, flatfooted, thick ankles, etc. Very forgiving and now that they made them all black, classy. They might be a little on the heavy side by today's standard, but that will not be a major factor for you since you are not looking for a high end high performance skate. The Flexlites are great for parent coaches who stand around the ice more so than do start-stops for an hour.

Best advice you can get: go to a store and try them on. Getting the skates online is a hastle, and will cost you more in the long run, as you cannot get the skates serviced (sharpening and baking) through any online retailer. Skates need to be felt, especially if you have troublesome feet.

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