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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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The Most Effective Piece of Equipment I've Ever Used

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There was a time when I was an actually good player. That time has long gone. Two of the most significant things that left was my balance and shooting accuracy. Out of these two things my poor balance had lead to poor agility on the ice. But even with this issue I was still one of the fastest skater on my team all through high division beer league.

The problem with my skating wasn't that I had weak supporting muscles or I couldn't adjust on the ice, it was because I would tie laces tight and ice would keep getting into my toe cap and freezing my toe. It starts during the end of first period. By the second to the end of the game I would loose feeling in the frontal portion of my foot. I would have no more toe pushes when skating and I would fall all over the place because I couldn't exert force in the front edges while shifting left/right or pivoting.

Lo and behold I found a solution in this little guy:


They are quite cheap, stick on and last around 3-4 hours. It keeps your toes warm and aid in circulation. Before I found this little guy at the drug store I actually thought I lost my balance because I was out of practice and aging. It wasn't true. I got my balance back as soon as I started using. In terms of equipments I've tried in all, this was the single most significantly effective performance enhancing one I've used to date (take away my composite sticks before I give up little hotties). Maybe if your toes are freezing as well, it would be time to try them.

My shooting accuracy on the other hand... That need a lot more work.

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