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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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New Goalie Monkey Goalie Stick

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Oh hell no. I had several composite sticks up to last year, and they were a giant waste of money. All of them snapped after taking a shot, after only a few months of use. And those I had purchased on sale - I can't imagine buying one full price. My foamcores are not much heavier and are absolute tanks compared to the composites, and a great deal less expensive. I personally don't see any benefit of composite goalie sticks unless you're a truly great puck handler and can make them work to your advantage. Otherwise, I think they're a lot of overkill.

As far as GM's new "branded" stick...cute, I guess. Still a waste of money in my eyes.

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I have been using composite sticks for quite a while now, dating back to the original TPS Xhale, wich was their first full composite, but second generation composite stick (the Genesis was more of a hybrid with wood inserts). I have found great performance benefits to using them, over and above the obvious puck handling benefits. The fact is, they are consistent from day one. You don't have to worry about it getting soft in the shaft, the paddle, or the blade. The puck will always deflect the same off of the stick.

I've been lucky with my composite sticks, and have only had 2 break, and only after excessive use, 300+ ice hours.

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After alot of use on my old ccm v10 I really liked the composite stick idea (this was one with a foam core paddle I believe but composite shaft) and so bought a Bauer x50 which snapped way too quickly in the joint between the paddle and the shaft so ended up picking up an old all wood stick and all I can think is why did I waste the money on the composits? There's nothing wrong with the wood ones, I can still handle the puck well and while the x50 was way lighter I often found myself lifting the blade off the ice without noticing what I was doing but that's not happend with the wooden one at all.

Only thing that was different? Boy the x50 was pretty :P

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