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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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T Blades Profile question

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I use normal steel now but I've used T blades for years. Every time I see someone wearing t blades I always watch them when they are on the ice. The one thing I noticed is they all do this little dance step every now and then. Basicly when they relax or stand straight up it looks like the skates are going to shoot forward from under them. It seem to happen more with them then the other skaters. They never fall it's more like a twitch. I thought maybe it was the difference in glide that the t blade had but then I read something about blade sharpening:

"last but not least, do not grind off the back of the skate. Hockey companies spend millions in research and design and they shape the blades that way for a reason. if a blade needs to be profiled, it should be profiled in the toe only. The back of the blade acts like a rutter for stability. Some people may disagree with me on this, but this is what i have found works the best in my 22 years of skating and my 7 years of sharpening. Good luck"

Can someone tell me what kind of profile the t blades have. Is it in the middle? Do they profile more from the toe? Just curious.

Thanks in advance.

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"last but not least, do not grind off the back of the skate. Hockey companies spend millions in research and design and they shape the blades that way for a reason. if a blade needs to be profiled, it should be profiled in the toe only. The back of the blade acts like a rutter for stability. Some people may disagree with me on this, but this is what i have found works the best in my 22 years of skating and my 7 years of sharpening. Good luck"

Utter bullshit. Hell, whoever it is can't even correctly spell "rudder".

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