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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Have any of u guys ever seen ur selfs playing hockey on tape. I had a couple of buddies tape my game and saw it afterward. It was hilarious, But I was able to see the errors i made and now im working on improving them.

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I've only had a few of them taped. About half of our high school teams games were taped and then every friday we'd review, good and bad plays. I've had had a few league games taped.

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My coach tapes us throughout the year, during practice and games and then makes an end of the year DVD with highlights. Its pretty sweet, he is really into video editing so he puts in a lot of work and it turns out very nicely. Last year's was around 45 minutes, with about a minute and a half devoted to highlights and comments on each player, then the rest is other game footage. He'll also show us game footage during the season if we're learning a new system or whatever. He also filmed us on the first practice just taking skating strides and then critiqued it. It helps a lot to actually see what you're doing wrong.

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THe first thing you notice when you watch yourself is your lack of speed. LOL

I swear the VCR was screwed up, I'm not that slow. Actually, I am that slow, but I was in position all game long.

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THe first thing you notice when you watch yourself is your lack of speed. LOL

LOL and how goofy you look out there :P . I never realized how weird and animated and energetic I was on the ice until I watched a game film. It looked like I was playing hockey on crack.

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