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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Anybody know what this is on Blake Sloan's Helmet

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It looks to be a face shield designed with care taken to protect certain parts of the face more than others. I'm guessing he wore it after he broke his jaw.

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It looks to be a face shield designed with care taken to protect certain parts of the face more than others. I'm guessing he wore it after he broke his jaw.

it's one of those weird plastic football face masks from the '90's...modified obviously. they used to be the standard mask used in world league football. always hated those masks.

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It looks to be a face shield designed with care taken to protect certain parts of the face more than others. I'm guessing he wore it after he broke his jaw.

I thought it might have been something for protection or injury purposes.

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Wow...I don't know which is uglier, this mask or the chrome cateye mask some guy wears at a pick-up skate I go to, and I don't mean on a goalie mask.

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