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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Off-ice shooting practice

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since I couldn't find anything specific on this topic here it goes:

is there any way to increase carry over from off-ice shooting practice to on-ice? assuming that the technique & weight transfer is roughly the same in both cases?

the reason I ask is because I've been shooting up to a 100 pucks a day for a couple of weeks now (set up a snipers edge in the basement), and can consistently pick corners, but on the ice - not so easy.

could it be because on ice when on skates I'm ~ 2" higher? should I cut the stick 2" to compensate?

Also why is accuracy so much higher after a quick 1-2 dribble (like Ovie in the video below) vs. just pick a puck from a pile & shoot?

I recall a while ago Chadd was commenting on dribbling before shooting as a bad habit (there's not enough time time to do that under pressure), but how do you get around it?!


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since I couldn't find anything specific on this topic here it goes:

is there any way to increase carry over from off-ice shooting practice to on-ice? assuming that the technique & weight transfer is roughly the same in both cases?

the reason I ask is because I've been shooting up to a 100 pucks a day for a couple of weeks now (set up a snipers edge in the basement), and can consistently pick corners, but on the ice - not so easy.

could it be because on ice when on skates I'm ~ 2" higher? should I cut the stick 2" to compensate?

Also why is accuracy so much higher after a quick 1-2 dribble (like Ovie in the video below) vs. just pick a puck from a pile & shoot?

I recall a while ago Chadd was commenting on dribbling before shooting as a bad habit (there's not enough time time to do that under pressure), but how do you get around it?!


sorry about that quote stiil getting used to the site but take a bunch of pucks when your on/off the ice and when you shoot just keep shooting no stickhandles

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Also why is accuracy so much higher after a quick 1-2 dribble (like Ovie in the video below) vs. just pick a puck from a pile & shoot?

Well, when you're shooting in a game, you're usually moving and that means having to move the puck with you, stickhandle the puck into shooting position and firing it. That is why, IMO, the accuracy for the pros (and probably most people that play a lot) is higher with these small dribbles on a shooting pad while you're standing still. How often do you stand on the ice and just have a puck stationary in the wheelhouse during a game?

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