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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shin guard help: EQ50 v. S19

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Hey all-

Looking for some opinions as I shattered my Easton Stealth shin guards (forget the name they were gray and orange and top of the line from 6+ years ago I believe) blocking a shot last night.

I prefer Easton shin guards as the knee cradle has good support for my patella tendinitis. So I was looking into getting the new Easton shin guards but they don't carry them at my local hockey store to try on and compare in person.

Can someone please explain the differences between the S19 and EQ50? It's hard to tell from the pictures on why the older model S19 are more expensive then the newer model.

I tuck my shinguards in behind the tongue, prefer good straps (I tape as well), and like narrow shin guards. Good knee support is critical. Trying to stay under $100 bucks.

Any reason to go S19 over EQ50?

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I have the S19 and love em. The only thing I don't like is the small strap behind the knee. I don't use it and just use the big strap around the calf then tape them. Awesome pad though, very protective and lightweight.

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