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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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i need your help please!

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i remeber hearing of a place in a few cities in norht america that you go to and its an indoor simulation thing for hockey. I remeber that you face a hockey net and you take shots and it measure your spped and acurracy and it helps make u better, you can controp the spped of the pass too, if anybody knowwhat i am talking about please help me out. thank you.

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ummm, I remeber they had one in the hockey hall of fame and probably at some other Hockey events that travel around. If it's the same one I'm thinking of it's just a screen with a goalie and you shoot pucks at the targets and it tells you how hard you shoot. They also used to have a "lights out" thing where you had to shoot 9 different squares and turn all the lights out. They're fun but I doubt that these "games" will make your shot THAT much better. Just do like everyone else and get a net and practice shooting all the time. You can even buy targets for the corners if you want. Thats probably much easier than tracking down whatever it is you're looking for, and if you really want to know how hard your shot is then you can get a radar gun too.

Here's me at the HHOF in 11th grade (over 2 years ago)


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