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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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A/B Players needed for NESHL Team.

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Running a men's league team and looking for a few A/B level players.


- NESHL (new england senior hockey league)

- 18+ Division

- games on Thursday nights (7:30-10:30 start time)

- games played @ stoneham/malden/revere

- 15 games plus playoffs

- cost will be 250 or less depending on he many people we can pick up

Pm me if more info is needed

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Running a men's league team and looking for a few A/B level players.


- NESHL (new england senior hockey league)

- 18+ Division

- games on Thursday nights (7:30-10:30 start time)

- games played @ stoneham/malden/revere

- 15 games plus playoffs

- cost will be 250 or less depending on he many people we can pick up

Pm me if more info is needed

Sounds great to me. I pm'd you

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Team has been filled. If you would like to be put on a call list for a sub when the team is short feel free to pm me.

Thank you

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