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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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drury curve

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i tried searching etc but for the life of me i couldnt find a pic of the drury pro curve. anybody have a drury pro or pic of it? thanks

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ahh must've missed that. I thought someone posted it was basically the same, just with a square toe.

It's actually a bit deeper, more of a mid-heel and has a square toe. At least my t-flex blades were. I'll see if I can locate a pic.

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The DP is pretty much the same as the retail except for the square toe on the pro. I actually have Chadd's dp t-flex blades and compared them to a retail graphite t-flex blade a while back. The lie, depth, everything except for the toe is pretty much bang on unless they've changed the retail drury pattern since the graphite t-flex days.

EDIT: The pattern has actually changed slightly since the graphite t-flex blade. I just remembered that I compared my graphite retail drury to my cousin's '04 drury grip synergy and they are slightly different. The DP and graphite retail drury t-flex are curved slightly more towards the mid as Chadd has said while the "newer" drury blades are pure heels.

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