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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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From the Globe and Mail

I love how the Globe incorporates trending topics such as the Stanley Cup playoffs and hockey into other sections of its paper.

Bad investment....there was an entire thread on this prior to the IPO. It's down 20% since the new issue. I can see no reason to buy it.

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I like the line where they state the Supreme line costs 10% less to produce but raised prices 25%. Also cannot believe that they are number 1 in protective considering the entire AHL and most of NHL uses Reebok protective. Finally, Bauer is hoping for a lot in 5 years such as winning the NHL contract, doubling apparel sales and doubling Lacross market share, all things I do not think is possible to achieve in short time.

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I like the line where they state the Supreme line costs 10% less to produce but raised prices 25%. Also cannot believe that they are number 1 in protective considering the entire AHL and most of NHL uses Reebok protective. Finally, Bauer is hoping for a lot in 5 years such as winning the NHL contract, doubling apparel sales and doubling Lacross market share, all things I do not think is possible to achieve in short time.

But how many NHL/AHL players make up the entire market for protective?

Interesting to see how they do in LAX however, it would be cool to see the brand in that sport.

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