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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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prices on synergy skates?

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i saw them for $525 around here and was wondering if anyone has seem them cheaper? i tried a pair on today and the feel incredible. very light. but durability has been a issue that has been brought up. anyone who own a pair care to tell us how they are holding up?

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yeah 799 here in calgary too. the vapour xx's are still at 650. the xxx's are proboaly gonna be around the price of the synergie at first too.

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Man, too bad Easton doesn't allow online US retailers to ship to Canada. At the current rate, $499 USD = $597 CAD...$200 under the retail Canadian price...definitely worth a drive to Seattle if I wanted a pair.

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broke down and picked up a pair today, 525. at hockey monkey. lil more expensive but their CS is outstanding (in store at least) and i couldnt find anywhere with a 8.5 W. i skate in them this week, they feel nice now, but lets give them a month or so and see then. the worker was telling me they wouldnt recomend switching out holders for another month or so until easton sending them 5/16 rivets, i guess the boot is superthin and they dont have rivets short enough

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Are the Vapor XXX's out yet?

Reason I'm asking is because they should be competing with the Synergys. So they should be released the same time...

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i dont understand why the vapor xxx will compete with the synergies, they seem to be different skates completely. the vapor xxx are just an improved vapor xx while the synergy skate is a whole new set up

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Man, too bad Easton doesn't allow online US retailers to ship to Canada. At the current rate, $499 USD = $597 CAD...$200 under the retail Canadian price...definitely worth a drive to Seattle if I wanted a pair.

Good luck finding some place in Seattle that has decent prices. I've never found a shop in Washington, minus Tri Cities, that doesn't have extremely high prices.

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