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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Replacing my old Prolite 3 holders

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I’ve got an older pair of pro stock CCM Tacks that are still holding up fairly well. Well, the boots are; the Pro Lite 3 holders are another story. I’m sick of digging around eBay to find replacements when I break a holder. Are there any replacement holders/blades out there that will line up with Pro Lite 3 holes?

I don’t follow equipment trends as much as I’m used to and I’m clueless as to what else is out there these days. If I’m not mistaken, T-Blades used to have a million different holes but I don’t see them around much anymore. I’d prefer a regular holder with a steel that gets sharpened.

BTW, my Tacks have a graphite outsole. Does that change anything for me in terms of making it easier to get new holes drilled? I wouldn’t mind going back to Tuuks.

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Nothing lines up with it.

If your steel is in good shape, you can put CCM E-Pros on them, but you will have to drill regardless.

Thanks. Have the E-Pros been durable, at least compared to the Prolites?

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Yes - reason why the PLs broke so easily is because the plastic is thin in certain areas.

Rear tower right below the rivets. Broke two or three times on me.

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