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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Recommendation Please

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I have no hockey experience but been tasked with helping my grandson upgrade his hockey gear when he visits next month. He is turning 11, is 59 inches tall, and weighs 80 lbs. He plays as a forward mainly. His present skates are Bauer Supreme 170’s (Size 5).

I would welcome suggestions as to what level of new skates we should be looking for and whether we should go for a half size (5.5) or whole size (6) increase My thinking is that at his level he needs a well fitting, comfortable skate in a mid range of stiffness (and price).

My LHS has suggested he try on the Bauer Vapor x 5.0 and 6.0 and similar competitor products.

Any comments welcome! Pete.

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Hey pete, great to hear :)

I'm sure all of MSH would agree with me when I say that the absolute best thing to do would be to go to the LHS and try on as many pairs as possible.

At his age (assuming he plays anywhere from once to thrice a week at a low to mid level) a mid-level skate would work just fine for him, as he should be replacing that pair soon due to growing feet.

Don't worry about sizing, as the LHS will no doubt take care of you for that. Keep in mind too that every model of skate fits differently so it's imperative that you try them all on. I've had kids make anywhere from a half-size jump to 1.5 size jump in new skates so you must have him try them on.

Simply put, whichever skates feels and fits the best would be the one to get. Make sure to have them baked as well to reduce break-in time (the LHS would do that for you)

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Get a box the size of a skate box and put in some pictures of the skates you two will be looking at at the shop. At that age they might bum not having something tangible, but every player has worn poor fitting skates and understands the frustration. He will beam waiting to go to the shop with Pete, theelder.

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blind fold him. no doubt he will want the coolest looking most marketed pair, make him feel the difference. this would have saved me big bucks!

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As previously mentioned, try several different pairs and get the ones that fit and feel the best. A mid-level skate is probably the best for him and will help him to learn to skate the best, they won't be too stiff. Your local hockey shop will help you pick out a nice mid-level skate if you ask them and fit them properly.

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blind fold him. no doubt he will want the coolest looking most marketed pair, make him feel the difference. this would have saved me big bucks!

good advice. I'll need to try this with my kids next time we are skate shopping!

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