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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Issue

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I got a new pair of One 60s recently and skated in them a couple of times and had pain in my right foot arch and my left foot felt fine. I put a pair of Graf footbeds in the skates and the pain in my right foot went away but now I get a pain in my left foot at the heel and lace bite. My right foot feels great with the Graf footbeds.

I have only skated in them once with the new footbeds if that makes a difference.

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Tried putting the stock footbed in my left foot and leaving the Graf footbed in my right foot tonight. It was really awkward feeling and felt like it made my left foot hurt more. So I put the Graf footbed back in the left skate to see if maybe I just need to let the skate break in more with them in. Skated for two hours with discomfort in the beginning but by the end most of the pain and discomfort was gone. As for the lace bite I kept the laces at the top eyelet looser and it seemed to help.

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